AI-Accelerated Engineering, Differentiable Physics, The Best Open Source CAE Tools...
📚 “The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows” – Sydney J. Harris
🎙️LinkedIn Deep Dive: AI-Accelerated Engineering: Real-Time CFD for Engineering Challenges
NAVASTO is dedicated to revolutionizing digital development processes by offering AI-based digital tools as end-to-end solutions that significantly shorten time to product. With their cutting-edge technology, they empower cross-discipline collaboration and enable product optimization in quasi-real time.
💻 Research Rabbit - Visualise Networks of Papers and Co-Authorships
Just like in Spotify, you can add papers to collections. ResearchRabbit learns what you love and improves its recommendations!
💻 Autodiff and Adjoints for Differentiable Physics
My friend Felix Köhler gave a lecture on autodiff & adjoint methods for differentiable physics as part of our master course on "Advanced Deep Learning for Physics" and just posted the recording on YouTube.
👉 Slides are here:
In it, he covers:
1. A functional (JAX/Julia-inspired) viewpoint on autodiff in terms of Jvp/Pushforward and vJp/Pullback
2. Identifying hierarchy levels in autodiff (scalar-mode, vector-mode, continuous-mode)
3. A comparison of Optimize-then-Discretize (OtD) vs. Discretize-then-Optimize (DtO)
4. Special aspects of differentiable physics like differentiating over linear and nonlinear solvers
5. Advanced topics and recent research directions
🌐🔧 Open Source CAE Tools!
The smart guys at CFDSUPPORT, we've created a dynamic list of the most influential open-source software packages in the CAE domain.
🌐 The First Digital Renaissance Podcast
If you’re into business, marketing and sales - this one is for you! Make sure to subscribe.
💻 Engineering Tool of the Week – COOLFluiD
The object-oriented HPC platform for CFD, plasma and multi-physics simulations whose development started in 2002 at the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics ( in collaboration with the KU Leuven Center for mathematical Plasma Astrophysics (CmPA) dept. ( is open.
📚Book of the Week
The Finite Element Method: Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis
This text is geared toward assisting engineering and physical science students in cultivating comprehensive skills in linear static and dynamic finite element methodology. Based on courses taught at Stanford University and the California Institute of Technology, it ranges from fundamental concepts to practical computer implementations. Additional sections touch upon the frontiers of research, making the book of potential interest to more experienced analysts and researchers working in the finite element field.
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Keep engineering your mind! 🧠