✍️ Become a Simulation Expert - James Shaw | Podcast #124
💦 Philippe Spalart - CFD Rapid Fire Interview | Flexcompute
💻 The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning
This page explains all the matrix calculus you need in order to understand the training of deep neural networks.
💻 FEM - Material & Geometric Nonlinearity
The blog post by my friend Lukasz Skotny highlights the significance of nonlinear analysis in engineering practice, especially when facing intricate problems beyond simple linear calculations. Nonlinear analysis becomes essential when dealing with high stresses, plasticity, or changes in geometry.
🎙️ Physicists Uncover New Dynamical Framework for Turbulence
Physicists from Georgia Institute of Technology have discovered that turbulence can be understood and quantified using a small set of special solutions to fluid dynamics equations. This finding challenges the traditional view of turbulence as a random process and opens new possibilities for predicting and controlling turbulent flows. The research was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on August 19, 2022.
💻 Engineering Tool of the Week – NGSolve
Netgen/NGSolve is a high performance multiphysics finite element software. It is widely used to analyze models from solid mechanics, fluid dynamics and electromagnetics. Due to its flexible Python interface new physical equations and solution algorithms can be implemented easily.
📚Book of the Week
Grokking Machine Learning
Grokking Machine Learning presents machine learning algorithms and techniques in a way that anyone can understand. This book skips the confused academic jargon and offers clear explanations that require only basic algebra. As you go, you’ll build interesting projects with Python, including models for spam detection and image recognition. You’ll also pick up practical skills for cleaning and preparing data.
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Keep engineering your mind! 🧠