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Upcoming Coursera Course
SimScale for Engineering Simulations – FEA for Beginners
Coursera approached me a while ago and asked if I would be interested in creating guided projects covering engineering topics – of course I agreed, so here we go!
By the end of my first guided project, you will learn how to use cloud-based simulation platform SimScale for engineering simulations for Finite Element Analysis related tasks. You will be introduced to the pre-processing, processing as well as post-processing step which build an essential three-step process for any type of simulation and learn how to validate a case which means comparing the analytical results from a formula with the numerical results you get from the solver (the algorithm solving the equations inside your machine)!
If you’re a subscriber to my newsletter and/or follow me on my socials, you will be the first ones to be notified when my course goes live!
The Engineered-Mind Podcast
Next week, you will get two episodes of the podcast!
Monday Episode
My first guest is Manuel Bruschi. Manuel is the founder of the company Timeular which empowers people to track their job routines to then analyze and design better ones that create more value for themselves and the people around them. They believe this will lead to a future where everyone has a rewarding job. A link to their device can be found in the section “Tool of the Week”.
Friday Episode
My second guest for this week is Monishwaran Maheswaran. He is one of the youngest Computer Scientists working in the field of Deep learning, Cognitive Computing, Blockchain, and Quantum Computing. Monishwaran excelled in several Olympiads and went on to pursue research in Mathematics at Harvard University. He specializes in disruptive innovation, new technologies and digital transformation.
CNNs for Text Recognition - The Early Days

Neuroscience to Protect AI from Adversarial Attacks?
Adversarial examples change the behavior of an AI model in befuddling ways. Adversarial machine learning is one of the greatest challenges of current artificial intelligence systems. They can lead to machine learning models failing in unpredictable ways or becoming vulnerable to cyberattacks.
Read how neural networks with higher BrainScores are more robust against white-box adversarial attacks here: Venturebeat
Python Bytes
I had the pleasure to talk a bit about my thesis topic with Michael Kennedy & Brian Okken in this weeks episode of Python Bytes. We talked about Point Cloud operations, sortedcontainers, and scripting for Android with Python.
If you want to learn Python, Michael has a ton of incredible courses on his website, feel free to check them out here and get 10% off: https://bit.ly/2S6DJC3
This week, I uploaded a podcast with Jozsef Nagy who talked about the topic of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
In this podcast, we covered interesting topics like:
The open source tool OpenFOAM & its advantages
Tips when getting started with OpenFOAM
Jozsef’s company Eulerian solutions
Tips on how to assess your CFD results
Visualize Ideas
My personal favourite visualization for this week is the quote:
“Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open.” — Alexander Graham Bell
If you would like to see more of these visualized ideas, make sure to follow me on Instagram to see more of my designs!
You can order my designs my sending me a DM on my socials.
Tool of the Week
Time is the most valuable resource you and I have – it is non-renewable and irreversible. Wouldn’t it be great to have an overview on where you spend your time on and make optimizations accordingly? For someone like myself who is working full-time, working on a thesis, editing YouTube videos, recording podcasts and working on several other things on the side it is absolutely crucial for me to track my time to identify wasteful activities and substitute them with efficient ones.
Of course, we are not machines and life is also about having fun but when we are working or planning our day or week ahead, we should be aware where we spend it and how we spend it. An in–depth review on the cube is planned!
Link to the cube: http://bit.ly/39AHqZh
Favourite Animation
Meme of the Week
“Work–Life Balance”
Closing Remarks
If you have any wishes for video topics, you can submit them in this form. Apart from that you can always reach out to me via Twitter or Instagram or LinkedIn, so let’s connect!
Join the Discord server where you can connect with like-minded people.
For any business related issues or collaborations, feel free to write me an email to engineeredmindbusiness@gmail.com!
And of course, if you want to support the podcast, newsletter & YouTube channel in general, feel free to have a look at my Patreon profile!
See you next week and in the meantime, make sure to keep engineering your mind!